• My grandmother introduced me to crafts when I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 years old. As a result, I have always loved to work with my hands. Over 20 years ago, I was introduced to rubber stamping. Paper, ink, stamps, ribbons, embellishments, and a little imagination have truly captured my passion since then. It is amazing to use simple tools to create small works of paper art. My inky fingers are a testament to my love of stamping!

    Most of my paper crafting focuses on card making and teaching others the art of stamping. There is a real joy in getting together with friends, spending time making cards, and sending paper hugs. Emails, text messages, and phone calls are wonderful. But, there is just something about sending and receiving a handmade card that makes me smile. I hope you agree!

    Recently, I have been reintroduced to crocheting and have really enjoyed exploring Tunisian crochet stitches. My neck warmers are made using these creative stitches and the love for comfort and warmth.

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of her work.