• I am a fiber artist with a passion for repurposing objects into the unexpected, drawing the eye and starting a conversation. I love to rescue men’s neckties and give them a second life as a purse or scarf or bottle bag or quilted wall hanging. The fabric in neckties is so luxurious and full of character; discovering their second life is such fun.

    My parents and grandparents schooled me in creativity and thrift while my children and grandchildren inspired the whimsy and quirkiness in my designs that you can see in my necktie products. My career as a recreation therapist inspired me to create fiddly quilts for people with Alzheimer’s and walker caddies for people with mobility problems.

    My appetite for discovering, learning and making has driven me through sewing, quilting, embroidering, crocheting, knitting, weaving, felting and hand spinning. Most recently, I’ve discovered techniques for dyeing silks and for creating open weave “fabrics” that I craft into scarves. It’s really fun to lay out ribbons, yarns, threads and other fibers on a disappearing stabilizer and stitch over the fiber sandwich to create a beautiful new fabric.

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of her work.